
Hi there! Welcome to Game Tangents! Where I’ll be going on tangents regarding the gaming world.

This post is going to serve as an intro to this blog. Everything is still a little up in the air at the moment, but its going to be a place where I rant and rave about gaming, particularly my love of visual novels and indie titles.

Some of the topics I’m expecting to touch on are my opinions and thoughts on games I’ve played. I’ll touch on characters, overall story, and how they compare to bigger budget projects. (Certainly there are many small games that run circles around AAA titles. More money doesn’t mean better in many cases). And these titles need some love on the internet.

I’d also love to touch on how indie games and visual novels are made, because making a visual novel one day is a big goal of mine! Plus some of them are truly amazing, or just super quirky, and the genre could use some more attention. I want to research the choices of engines out there, as well as the pieces that go into it, including character art, music, interfaces, background coding, and more!

Perhaps I may also touch on some of the “controversies” or trends—like character stereotypes and representation, violence, etc. I don’t want to preach though. But every genre has its flaws, and talking about them is never dull.

In the mean time, here are some links to blogs that are similar to what this is going to be, or that already touch on visual novels and indie games.

http://blog.cyanide-tea.net/ – I like this group’s blog because it talks about other things besides their own projects. I’m looking forward to reading through the rest of their posts. I’ve only had time to play one of their projects, but it was really good.

http://indiegameenthusiast.blogspot.com/ – I’d like to keep reading this one, they post a lot about various indie titles.

http://fuckyeahrenpy.tumblr.com/ – Where I find many of the visual novels I play.


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